When You Love a Prodigal: A Word from Josh
As I wrap up the month of celebrating the first birthday of my book, When You Love a Prodigal, I have a special treat for you. Our prodigal, Josh, is in a good place now. When I wrote the book, he approved it as we went. And then he was willing to briefly share his perspective. So here are the closing words from Josh.
Judy and Josh
My early life was hard—bad things happened to me. As I got older I made a lot of bad choices: alcohol, drugs, girls, fights, lying, stealing. Why? Because it was fun and my friends were doing all those things.
The day Josh joined our family
Eventually I grew tired of getting in trouble. I didn’t want to go to jail. I began to see how stupid the things I was doing were. Maybe I was just growing up. But there were good people who loved me and spoke truth to me. There are still consequences from some of my choices.
Josh in elementary school
At House of Hope
His favorite sport
He still loves fishing
Josh did landscaping for several years
Knowing God became important to me, especially talking to Him about everything. I would read His Word, though more would have been good. I realized I needed to quit hanging out with people who led me astray and instead began to surround myself with better friends. And many people have prayed for me and loved me.
I am a different person in many ways now. My wife, before we married, told me I had to quit drinking or she wouldn’t marry me. I loved her, so I quit drinking. Growing up and encouragement from my wife helped me realize I wanted to be a good husband and father, and that required hard work and being responsible. It finally clicked what I needed to be and do.
If you love someone like me, remember that God is in control. He works it all in His plan. Keep affirming your prodigals and be firm with them. Look for good things to say, not just pointing out all they do wrong. Try to introduce them to people who will be good influences. Love them consistently.
And keep praying for them. I always want people to pray that I will keep walking straight. There are so many ways to step off the path. I need God’s help to keep growing, working, making right choices. So do your prodigals, wherever they are on their journeys.
What about you? Where are you on your journey?
Josh and Lesley when life was a boat. Now it’s a farm.
Josh works hard in his water well drilling job and caring for their small farm, where they raise Kune Kune pigs and lots of chickens. He and Lesley have three amazing daughters.