When Gratitude Gets Specific
Photo by Libby Penner on Unsplash
Two weeks ago my daughters blessed my husband and me by coming to help us sort through years of papers and photos and stuff, to clean out a room and to set up a home office for my husband.
We were (and still are) so grateful. Which we expressed repeatedly (still). But probably they were more blessed when we were specifically thankful.
So we said to Debbie: Thank you so much, but then we added: Your ability to organize things is amazing. See through boxes and labels mean I can find things!! We are so grateful!
And to Michelle: Thank you so much, but then we added: You have made the yellow walls work for Dad’s office with the well-place blue décor. And in an hour you painted that awesome blue picture of the world. We are so grateful.
So here’s a challenge for your Thanksgiving “go around the table and everyone tell something they are thankful for” time:
If it’s primarily family, Mom or Dad go first and name something specific you are grateful for to each person. Then maybe each one say to the one on their left something specific they appreciate about that person.
Or put everyone’s name in a hat and then all draw a name. As you go around the table—tell the person whose name you drew what about them you are grateful for.
If it’s a small group and they all know each other, let each person express specific gratitude to each person at the table.
So, what specifically might you say you are thankful for?
Here a few ideas to get you started:
Something they have done for you: “Joe, I am grateful that you rescued me when I ran out of gas.”
A character quality you admire: “Melody, I admire how you are always kind, even when people are unkind.”
An attitude you wish you had more of: “Daniel, I wish I could look for the good even in hard situations, as you do.”
A talent they have: “Michael, I am grateful for your beautiful musical ability.”
A consistent way of living life: “Joy, you have the right name. I am grateful for how you bring joy wherever you are.”
General gratitude is good and encouraging. But specific thankfulness lifts people and changes the whole atmosphere.
Try it. You’ll like it.
What about you? What is something specific you are grateful for?
c2021 Judy Douglass