She's Still Drinking from the Saucer
Sherra Elizabeth Jones
March 6, 1941-August 13, 2019
I am tired of people dying.
I know. It happens to all of us. And the other side, the next page is beautiful and glorious and beyond our earthly comprehension, promised by our Jesus.
I think I’ve been to six memorial services in the past year. Each one was beautiful, honoring a follower of Jesus, a servant of God--using their gifts to contribute to building His Kingdom. Some were famous, others not so much, except of course to our Lord.
At every service there were tears and laughter, sadness and rejoicing. Honoring a person and glorifying our God. And thanking Jesus for making it all possible.
On Saturday there will be a memorial service for a sweet friend of mine—Sherra Elizabeth Jones. Sherra was a quiet giant of faith in God. We met as we joined in a group of women now called the Saucer Sisters—because our cups are overflowing so we are drinking from the saucer.
The Saucer Sisters. Sherra is on far left.
What a magical group of women: Gathering monthly for a morning or an evening, sharing our lives, our joys and our heartbreaks, our hopes and our disappointments. Spurring each other on to love and good works. And oh the laughter. And oh the prayers.
I could say Sherra was the best of us. Because surely her gentle, generous words and actions were. But I could say each of us was the best of us—for the special way our Lord made each of us and molded us together.
I am grateful to Sherra for many things—one of the most special was the use of her beach house, to get away, to rest and read and pray. And to write a book about a beautiful journey.
So thank you, Sherra, for being in my life. For displaying a lovely likeness of our Savior. For speaking words of love and truth. For paying attention. For sharing your wisdom. For walking through these past two years with courage and grace.
And may you be reveling in the presence of our Savior, experiencing His love, receiving His smile, walking with him—or running. May your joy overflow—so you are drinking from the saucer.
C2019 Judy Douglass