June 2: Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day
Do you love a prodigal? Would you like hundreds, even thousands, to be praying for your prodigal?
It happens on June 2 every year.
We don’t know how many around the world join us in praying for prodigals every J une 2, but we know it is many. They pray for thousands, and will be glad to include your loved wanderer.
On June 2, 25 years ago, our prodigal met Jesus. His life changed—for a while. But wrong friends and the trauma of his early life put him on a roller coaster. He would do well and make good choices for days, weeks, even months. Then down he would go for many months. The unpredictable cycle went on for 15 years.
At the beginning we invited friends to pray for our son—on June 2, the worldwide day of prayer for Josh. God encouraged us to expand it to others needing prayer and the Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day was born.
So if you love a prodigal, we would love to pray for your loved one. And we invite you to join us in praying.
But a word of caution: The evil one, the enemy of our souls, loves to lead our rebellious ones astray. When we interfere, he tightens his hold on them. But we have the power of prayer to El Shaddai, the almighty God.
I have found it is good to prepare my heart and mind to enter this battle. And one of the most effective ways I have found to confront Satan is to “give thanks in everything” as we are urged in
1 Thessalonians 5:18. If we resist him, he flees. And giving thanks to our God sends him running.
So our theme for the 2022 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day is “Give Thanks.” For the next five weeks, I will send a brief weekly devotional to encourage you in giving thanks. I hope you will read it, ask God to make it real to you, and begin to practice it as a way of life.
If you have sent us a name or names before, they are still on our list and you don’t need to add them again. If you are new to the Prodigal Prayer Day, we invite you to send us the first names of anyone you would like us to pray for. You can do that by replying to this letter, or by writing to us at PrayerforProdigals@gmail.com.
You are also invited to join the Prayer for Prodigals virtual prayer community. This is a safe and encouraging place to post specific requests for others to pray for, and you can pray for the posted community requests. Email us at PrayerforProdigals@gmail.com.
May this be a year of transformation for our prodigals and grateful hearts for us.
C2022 JudyDouglass