Can You See the Lion Stalking? And a Birthday Celebration!
As we celebrate the birthday of When You Love a Prodigal over the next month, I will post some thoughts connected to the book that will challenge and encourage all of us—those who love a prodigal and those struggling with living through all the uncertainty we are facing.
Photo by Tobias Adam on Unsplash
When you love a prodigal, you get used to the lion stalking.
You know we have an enemy: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8).
That enemy, Satan, hates that we love and follow Jesus. And he hates that those we love—our children and family and friends, would also learn and choose to be followers of Jesus.
He entices, tempts, frightens, inflicts harm. He is determined that your loved one not belong to the Kingdom of God. He is relentless. And he has an army of demons to do his bidding.
Of course, we know there is a true Lion, the Lion of Judah, our Jesus, who is equally determined. (Revelation 5:5) He is the Good Shepherd. He pursues, woos, protects, intervenes, rescues those who have wandered away, run away, turned away.
His love, mercy and grace are powerful weapons in this battle, drawing our prodigals from destructive choices and wanton lifestyles into the light of our Savior.
And it happens. They turn and return.
And the battle has been won. The evil one is defeated. Our loved one is restored.
Well, yes and no.
The Lion Keeps Stalking
Our enemy the devil does not give up. He is always looking for an opportune time to resume his attack. Sometimes he comes right at our prodigal; other times he comes in disguise; and still others he sneaks in as “light.”
As our former prodigal has sought to make good choices, to not listen to the devil’s whispers, the lion has several times attacked him directly. Most recently, as he worked at his well-drilling job, a large metal cylinder broke off and shot out—hitting our son in the hip. He thought his hip was broken, but gratefully it was just a deep bruise. I pictured an angel reaching out and redirecting that lethal projectile from his head or his heart. Grateful indeed.
Is there any hope?
Oh yes. Our God gives us wisdom and courage and resources for the battle. Here are a few of the ones named in my book:
You can find out how to pray, resist, rescue in my book When You Love a Prodigal: “Love Goes to War” p. 38 in Love chapter; “Battlefront Prayer” p. 139 in Prayer chapter; “Warrior” p. 203 in Spirit chapter.
And be assured of this: “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” (John 10:29)
Photo by Aleksandra Antić on Unsplash
And now, an invitation: Will you celebrate with me the first birthday of my book When You Love a Prodigal? On September 17 I will have a 30-minute “party” on Facebook Live at 8 p.m. ET. I will tell some stories, read a little, and give away some gifts. Information will be on my Judy Douglass Author page.
Every Thursday in September I will post something about loving a prodigal. Hopefully you will see my book on Book Bub and Goodreads this month also. And I am working on some helps for you to pull together a group of prodigal lovers you know (virtually or in person) to work through my book.
And more.
One gift I will be giving is this wonderful picture (framed) of the Shepherd rescuing a lost sheep. And if you would like to give a birthday gift for When You Love a Prodigal, why not give a copy to someone who would be blessed by it.
What about you? Where is the lion stalking you?
c2020 Judy Douglass
You can find my weekly blog and more information about the celebration activities and giveaways at the following places: