21 things to thank God for
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
In our 15+ years’ journey with our prodigal, I received a gift for which I am truly grateful. I learned to give thanks in everything. I am grateful for the gift of giving thanks.
I have known 1 Thessalonians 5:18—“give thanks in everything”--for decades. I sought to apply it over those years. But it wasn’t until our son took us through many difficult, challenging, even heartbreaking situations for all those years that giving thanks in everything became a way of life for me.
One of my best gifts
It is truly one of my best gifts ever. It grew my trust in God and caused me to bring him into hard events day by day. I don’t do it perfectly, or every time, but it is consistently my first response most of the time. It has been transformative in my life, my responses to my prodigal and especially in my relationship with God.
I want the same for you. So today I am giving you a head start on Thanksgiving. Here are my 21 real reasons to give thanks. I encourage you to thank God for one each day—mine or your own—to get your mind and heart ready for Thanksgiving. And start you on your own journey of giving thanks. Feel free to change or add more, and especially seek to say “thank You” when your prodigal gives you reason not to.
21 Things to Thank God For
1. God’s relentless pursuit to rescue me and redeem me and restore me.
2. God sings a love song to me, with one verse telling the good news that Jesus died to give me abundant and eternal life.
3. God is God–sovereign, and God is good–always looking for ways to do good to me.
4. When I was a foreigner and alien, God adopted me as a child in His own family.
5. God remembers that I am dust, and has mercy on me.
6. Jesus sent His Holy Spirit to live in me and remind me of all that He taught while He was here on earth.
7. God gives mercy for the past, grace for the present and hope for the future.
8. My prodigal has given me a grateful heart.
9. I love having my delightful children and their spouses as friends!
10. My grandchildren are beautiful, brilliant and so much fun.
11. The Holy Spirit comforts, encourages, teaches and empowers—all that I need to live the Christ-life.
12. The Father has extended an open invitation to talk with Him anytime—about what’s on my heart and His heart.
13. I have a place to live, clothes to wear, food to eat–more than enough–so I can share with others.
14. Truth that was embodied in Jesus is transforming my mind via the Spirit.
15. God asked me to be His partner in building His Kingdom.
16. I have good health that enables me to keep serving God all over the world!
17. I get to work with remarkable people who love and follow Jesus.
18. My church is filled with women and men who are seeking to be True Followers of our Savior.
19. Many hard things/times in my life have caused me to throw myself completely into the loving arms of my Father.
20. God doesn’t let me settle for the easy and comfortable, but always calls me to the MORE He has for me.
21. As long as God leaves me here on earth, He still has a plan to use me to touch lives for Him.
Give thanks!
What about you? What could you add to this list?
c2021 Judy Douglass