Treasures from the Wilderness: Never Give Up
Once a month I write a letter to the wonderful Prayer forProdigals community I am part of. Often those letters, though specific tothose who love a prodigal, apply to any or all of us in the challenging circumstancesof life.
We have now entered into spirit and heart preparation for theJune 2 Worldwide Prodigal Prayer Day. Each week we will be going to God’s Wordwith open spirits and hearts to hear from Him, to be ready to enter into thebattle for the souls of the wanderers we love. Our theme this year is Treasuresin the Wilderness.
Photo by Style by Krystal Andrea
Dear Lover of Prodigals,
You know these names and their stories from the Bible: Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph,Moses, Joshua, Deborah, David—and many others.
Most did not see what they worked for, waited for, believed God for. But they never gave up. Hebrews 11 gives us a long litany of faith and faithfulness of some of God’s children who never gave up.
Let’s bring this into our time, our lives. Using random names, Mary gave grace over and over to her wayward daughter. Michael prayed for his addicted son. Jason persisted in love even when his child went to jail. Laurie forgave repeated hurts. Many others prayed, saw rescue, healing, relapse, are still waiting. But they never gave up.
In my story as well: I didn’t give up when I was afraid, angry, disappointed, exhausted, hopeless. God has done a wonderful work, and I am grateful. But I continue to live and love with open hands. He belongs to the Lord, but the enemy also never gives up.
Now add your name. How have you persisted? How have you kept on no matter what your loved one has done? Yes, when have you given up? Yet here you are, joining Godin relentless pursuit of your wanderer.
How do we know that God will not give up? Scripture tells us repeatedly of His faithfulness and perseverance:
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9)
But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (2 Thessalonians3:3)
The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. (1 Thessalonians 5:24)
… God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” [a(Hebrews13:5)
Our God loves our prodigals even more than we do. He is committed to hear and answer your prayers and to pursue and rescue your loved one. He will never give up—and will enable us to do the same. He gives us His gift of perseverance, tenacity, endurance—and these are indeed treasures for this wilderness journey.
To never give up,
P.S. In two weeks we will be on our knees, bringing our own loved one before the Lord as well as the several thousand on our WorldwideProdigal Prayer Day list. What a privilege! And a battle! Keep asking God to give you His perspective and faith.
I was thrilled to finish the page proofs of my book, When You Love a Prodigal: 90 Days of Grace for the Wilderness, and send them to the publisher. It will go to press soon, though it doesn’t release until September 17. But it will help me greatly—if you want a copy—for you to go to Amazon to pre-order the book.
What about you? What helps you to never give up?
C2019 Judy Douglass
If you would be interested in requesting prayer for a prodigal loved one, or being a part of our wonderful praying community, respond in comments or write to me at PrayerforProdigals at gmaildotcom.
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