Jesus Every Day: Grace, Mercy, Peace
Last December I introduced you to Mary DeMuth and her year-long devotional book of prayers—one for every day of the year. Jesus Every Day: Prayers to Awaken Your Soul/A Journey Through the Bible in One Year has been an adventure for me.
Each day has a word from a Scripture verse, followed by Mary’s prayer based on that word and that verse. I love reading the verse and Mary’s prayer, asking what God is saying to me. But I rarely stick to just to just one entry—I will finish the entire book in a couple of days.
I have given this book to many friends. Every one has loved it, including a 16-year-old and a 93-year-old.
So even as I shared with you about Hagar and the word Sees on Day 6 when I began the book, I want to also let you read from Day 351 about Peace, though she, gratefully, also includes the accompanying words of grace and mercy.
“DAY 351: PEACE“Grace, mercy and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the So the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love. (2 John 3)
“Jesus, would you unpack these traits in me today? Grace, mercy, and peace.
“Jesus, I need grace to treat others with respect, particularly those who seem bent on hurting my feelings. I need grace to live and move throughout my day, pardoning those who disappoint me.
“Grace is something I must have when I’m dealing with myself. As I learn to pardon others, give me that same dose of grace to afford myself the same kindness. Help me treat myself as I would a best friend. And as I look over this day in the quietness of the night, help me evaluate it with grace-filled vision.
“There is so little mercy in this world, Jesus. Instead, there is harshness and many claims to be right. In the middle of the cacophony of voices, let mine be a merciful voice, taking a look at every angle of a problem instead of immediately assigning blame. “Teach me what it tangibly means to be a person of mercy. Would you send me someone today with whom I can practice this lost art?
“Peace, Jesus. I need peace. When circumstances crowd into my life and threaten to mar my peace, help me retreat into the solidity of your peace. Your peace is not dependent on circumstances. Instead it thrives when my expectations aren’t met.
“You are the the Prince of peace, and for that I’m grateful. When I’m prone to give in to panic, I pray you would settle my soul, help me take another breath, and rest in your calmness. Amen.”
I know you will blessed by Mary’s prayers--it blesses me to read this one again, as Mary’s prayers usually do. Though sometimes they also challenge me, convict me, encourage me, give me resolve or hope.
I know you will also expand your prayer life, as I have, as you encounter honesty, humility, boldness, fervency and courage in Mary’s prayers. May you discover new richness and power in your conversations with our God.
You can read what I wrote about Jesus Every Day here.
You can order Jesus Every Day here.
What about you? What did you talk to Jesus about today?
C2018 Judy Douglass