Mission Leaders Come Together
2016 Mission CEOs at Wycliffe USA
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)
I was privileged to see this lived out beautifully this past week.
Every year Steve and I have the privilege of meeting for several days with a group of Mission CEO couples. Altogether more than 40 mission leaders are part of this group of leaders of missions sending organizations. This year 36 of us gathered in Orlando, hosted by Pioneers, Wycliffe, Jesus Film, New Tribes and Cru. Next year Crossworld and the Church of the Nazarene will welcome us to Kansas City.
We take turns sharing about our lives, our families, our missions, our needs. We pray for each person or couple. We talk about topics and concerns facing all of us as we seek to spread the gospel around the world and care for our people across the globe. This year we focused significantly on member care and the needs of staff families.
We eat together (really good food), we laugh a lot, we cry together. We encourage and come alongside. We offer resources and ideas. It’s a very unselfish, generous time. The women usually take a little time to go deeper on some personal needs.
I’ve been in ministry for more than 50 years now, and one of my great joys has been observing and experiencing this coming together of the Body of Christ, especially in the past 20-25 years.
We used to be much more unto ourselves and now we are all sharing and partnering and “living together in unity.”
Surely this oneness of these mission leaders brings us much closer to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, to every person having a chance to know Jesus, to growing numbers of multiplying disciples and multiplying churches.
And I’m sure God is smiling.
What about you? Where are you at one in the Lord with your brothers and sisters?
C2016 Judy Douglass