How an Independent Lives in Community
Texans are often characterized as independent, strong, loners.Maybe that’s where I got it—growing up in Texas. Or maybe God just put it in me. I like to be independent. I love to be by myself—even for weeks. I have always had to deal with wanting my own way.But God has refused to let me live in my independence.He has repeatedly clarified for me that I cannot do anything all by myself. He has created me for community and he has amplified the holes in my life so that I will be forced to let others in to fill in those many gaps.I am so grateful for those he has put me in community with. Here are just a few and some of the life lessons I have learned:My family: Steve believes the best of others—and especially me—all the time. He always tells me I can do it—whatever it is. Debbie loves what is right and has often called me on less than stellar behavior. Michelle has helped me to enjoy the journey and appreciate the process. And Josh has revealed to me God’s unconditional love, that He never gives up on me and that He loves to meet with me on my knees.Some very close friends: Susan floods my mind with her ideas and holds me accountable when I get too independent. Jan has walked and worked by my side for many years, loving me and my children amazingly well. Tricia has listened and encouraged and prayed through dark times. Dayle has reminded me to laugh even when life hurts. And many others…Special mentors: I had the privilege of working with and observing Bill Bright for 39 years. He lived out real faith and great compassion and a passion for excellence. Vonette Bright has demonstrated such faithfulness and astounding energy. In so many ways God has used them to transform me.
The staff of Women’s Resources: They have been amazing servants and helpers and prayer warriors. But most of all they have owned the vision to help every staff women be and do all God has for her—and have pursued that best contribution in their specific arenas.Our mission's Executive Team and Area Team Leaders’ wives: These women have broadened my understanding, given me global eyes, stretched my faith, become my friends.My prayer teams: These warriors have held me up, interceded, encouraged, advised. They have been faithful partners in my life and ministry.And I’ve only just begun. There are so many more on the job, in my church, next door, around the world. Can I live just “me and God”? If necessary, of course. But God has put us in community, in His body, needing each other in so many ways. He wants us to lean on and learn from and walk with others.Yes, He is the source of all I need for life, godliness, ministry. But most often His Spirit is poured out into our lives, filling our gaps, by the sisters and brothers God calls us to live among.What about you? Who’s in your community?C2012 Judy Douglass