Joy in the Philippines
My incredible “job” is to love and encourage our staff around the world.I have just returned from just such a time—with our staff in the Philippines. My sweet husband and I got to do this one together. He spoke five times in two days, plus meetings and a video. I spoke two times, and shared during two of Steve’s messages. Plus meetings and a video.The staff conference theme was Believe Again. Steve’s messages included Believing in God’s Transforming Grace, in God’s Great Power to Accomplish His Purposes, and in God’s Wonderful Plan for Our Lives. I talked about Choosing God’s Better Story and A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving.These joyful men and women were responsive to all we shared, but even more were delightful to be with. Lots of laughter and love all around.
The tourism motto for the nation is “It’s More Fun in the Philippines.” One evening we celebrated that with national costumes and dances.
Best of all was just talking with the staff who have given their lives to take the love of Christ to their countrymen and to the world. They blessed me tremendously. I hope I was a blessing to them.What about you? Who brings joy into your life?C2012 Judy Douglass