My Saucer Sisters
“I’m drinking from my saucer ‘cause my cup has overflowed.”For more than a decade I have been part of the most amazing group of women—the Saucer Sisters.Talk about community.There are 15 of us now, with one who visits when she’s back in town.
Our ages span more than 3 decades. We total 552 years of marriage, with 49 children and growing numbers of grandchildren.We have played together: at the beach, at a ranch in Arizona, in New York City, and most often in Edisto, SC. We try to meet one morning a month to catch up and pray.All of us are in “full-life” ministry—mentoring, teaching, networking, encouraging, writing, speaking…We laugh together and rejoice together and cry together. We have said good-bye to parents and hello to new brides, grooms and babies.And oh how we have prayed for each other!
Last week the Saucer Sisters gathered again for three days at the Edisto beach house—and I had to miss it. I am still grieving.But I will see them next month, and we will pick up where we left off…drinking from the saucer.How about you? Do you have a community that drinks from the saucer together?c2012 Judy Douglass