Helping the Helpers in Thailand
Thailand is a beautiful country, graced by truly beautiful people. The folded hands and bow in greeting is such a gracious hello. The country moves from mountains in the north to miles of rice paddies to teeming Bangkok to inviting beaches in the south.In the past few weeks, more than one-third of this nation has been underwater. It is a tragedy of epic proportions.I am currently in a Bangkok hotel on higher ground. But the flood waters are expected to reach here shortly after I leave.
Our Thai staff have been greatly affected. At least five staff homes and seven staff cars are under water. They have lost appliances, furniture, computers, personal belongings—with no insurance. The water may remain as long as a month, making restoration of homes a challenge.But here’s the amazing thing: Most of the Thai staff are spending their time helping others. Some boats have been donated, allowing them to provide rescue, to deliver food and supplies, to help reunite families, to move furniture to upper floors, to provide shelter…Watch this video below to see a glimpse of the devastation. Let God touch your heart. Be praying for our staff, for the Thai people, for this nation. And ask if you should make a gift to help the helpers.Please take a minute to share your thoughts or to write a prayer for the Thai people.[vimeo w=584&h=329]For more information go to Help for the Helpers in Thailand.c 2011 Judy Douglass