I Don't Do Hands
I don’t do hands.That is, I don’t do things with my hands: crafts, art, sewing, building. I’m just not good at those things. and I don't enjoy them.When my daughter Michelle needed a cage for her guinea pig, she rejected my offer to take her to the pet store. She and my very handy husband decided to build a cage themselves—out of things you don’t usually use to make cages. It would be so much more interesting that way.They did it. They built a large substantial cage, that moved from family to family over the years, housing guinea pigs and rabbits and iguanas. It is still serving well.
Steve and Michelle, knowing my lack of natural gifting in this area, never once invited me to be a part of this project. No one ever said, “Come help us build this cage."But God…God said, “Judy, will you come help build my Kingdom?”“You want me to help build?”“Oh yes,” He replied. “I was very intentional when I made you. I didn’t give you hand gifts. I gave you words. And I want you to use those words—written and spoken—to do the work I’ve already prepared for you.
“Come, Judy, and be on my Kingdom building team.”It was an eager “yes” and I have never regretted it.C 2011 Judy Douglass