Advent: Jesus Comes As...
Celebrating Advent—remembering why Jesus came—has been special to me this year as each day I have reflected on who/what/why Jesus came to this earth.In this post are the first two weeks of my Advent reflections. Each one has added depth and meaning to my Christmas devotions. May they do the same for you.Day 1: The King is coming. Let us prepare our hearts for His arrival.Day 2: Incarnation: Jesus became like us so we could become like him.Day 3: Jesus, the Light of the World, came into the world scattering the darkness.Day 4: Jesus comes as the Good Shepherd who leads us in valleys and on mountains, who protects us from evil, who provides all needs.Day 5: Jesus comes as the Bread of Life, sustaining, providing, giving meaning and purpose.
Day 6: Jesus comes as the Way. Sometimes whispering, sometimes shouting, always loving—He guides our feet on the path, the way He has for us.Day 7: Jesus comes as the Truth, giving us foundation, assurance, confidence, knowledge of right and wrong.Day 8: Jesus comes as the Living Water: “The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”Day 9: Jesus comes revealing the Father: “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”Day 10: Jesus comes as the Yes! Amen! to all the promises of Scripture.Day 11: Jesus comes walking on water, subduing the storms of our lives, raising us up when we go under.Day 12: Jesus comes as the living Word of God, revealing to us all that God has said and wants to say to us.Day 13: Jesus comes as the first born of God, making possible my adoption into the Family of God.Day 14: Jesus comes as Redeemer, able and willing to purchase our freedom and forgiveness by His blood.Next > Last >>c 2010 Judy Douglass