A Month of God Truths

1.  The greener grass was spray painted by the evil one.2.  God is more committed to my character than my comfort.  But He comforts me while he works on my character.3, The work of God is done on our knees.  Then we go find out what happened.4.  Never settle for less than God’s best.5.  Tell God the truth about how you feel.  He can handle it.6.  Thank God—even for the hard stuff.  This expresses trust and opens the door for His good to come from it.7.  Look for the good—be alert to see God’s amazing love at work.8.  He knows, He cares, He is able.9. Unconditional love doesn’t require love in return.10. God never gives up on me.11. God is always looking for ways to do good to me.12. His way is always better than my way.13. He made me just the way I am to do what He created me to do.14. What he asks me to do, He enables me to do.15. God is God and God is good.16. God gives mercy for the past, grace for the present, hope for the future.17. God is singing a love song to each of us.18. I love the word impossible—because it isn’t in God’s vocabulary.19. God’s commands are promises.20. God raises me up to more than I can be.21. The devil is a liar who masquerades as truth.22. God remembers that I am dust—and takes the broken pieces of my life and makes them into something beautiful.23. Sometimes I need to take things off the throne of my life and put them on the altar.24. Women are mission critical to the God’s plans.25. God says I am a treasure to Him.26. God desires to do more in me and through me than I can ask or imagine.27.  When we offer the little we are and have, He takes it and multiplies it into His amazingly more than enough.28.  He became like us that we might become like Him.29.  God requires an open hand—so He can remove the wrong stuff and put His perfect stuff in.30.  God will accomplish what concerns you and me.31.  The King has come.  He humbly awaits His crowning in our hearts.c Judy Douglass