Cru17: WITH--Partnerships: When God’s Children Play Together Nicely True FollowersJudy DouglassJuly 23, 2017Cru17, partnership, Table71, UUPG, WITH, ZeroComment
Cru17: WITH God--The Neverending Conversation True FollowersJudy DouglassJuly 17, 2017conversation with God, Cru17, prayer, talking to God, WITH Comments
Cru17: WITH--The One Anothers of our Lives True FollowersJudy DouglassJuly 10, 2017bless, Jesus, love, peace, prefer, serve Comments
Loving a Prodigal: Who Is the Strong-Willed and Stubborn One? Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassJuly 3, 2017prodigal, strong willed, stubborn, surrender Comments