Promise: He Is Our Shepherd and Peace Becoming Kindling, Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 30, 2018peace, prayer, prodigal, promise, shepherdComment
Extending Hospitality when You Are an Introvert Personal ReflectionsJudy DouglassApril 26, 2018hospitality, introvert, Redbud Writers Guild, The Redbud PostComment
Promise: Our God Sees and Hears Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 23, 2018God hears, God sees, names of God, prodigal, promise Comments
Promise: God Is Still in Control Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 16, 2018God, names of God, prodigal, Prodigal Prayer Day, promiseComment
PROMISE: HE IS TRUE TO HIS NAME Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 9, 2018names of God, prodigal, promise, WorldwideProdigalPrayerDayComment
Francophone Africa: Women Stand Up and Build Kingdom WomenJudy DouglassApril 2, 2018Francophone Africa, Kingdom builders, Magdalena, The Significant Woman, women Comments