Loving a Prodigal: By the Spirit 2—Comforter and Encourager Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 27, 2017comforter, courage, encourager, Holy Spirit, prodigalComment
Linger: Listen to Someone You Love by Laura Davis WereZak Guest posts, Personal ReflectionsJudy DouglassApril 24, 2017attend, conversation, linger, listen, pay attentionComment
Prodigal Prayer Day--By the Spirit 1: Advocate Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 17, 2017advocate, character reference, Holy Spirit, prodigal Comments
My Kindling Launch Big Book Giveaway Becoming KindlingJudy DouglassApril 13, 2017books, giveaway, good reads, Redbud Writers GuildComment
He Got Up: Serving the Homeless in Central Florida Personal ReflectionsJudy DouglassApril 10, 2017community, homeless, homelessness, serving Comments
Have You Seen Much of the Enemy Lately? Loving a ProdigalJudy DouglassApril 3, 2017enemy, freedom, God, rescuer, roaring lion, satan Comments